
Support Fresh Ink Theatre!

Your donation to Fresh Ink Theater Company goes to work right away and helps us invest in the future of the Boston arts community. We are long-standing champions of new work, fostering a community of new play audiences and artists with untold stories and under-represented voices. That tradition continues when you invest in us.

As we embark on our 14th season, we are thrilled to present our freshest plays to date!

Your tax-deductible donation plays a crucial role in enabling us to provide opportunities for local playwrights and bring local artists to the stage.

Donations help cover the cost of:

  • Renting performance space
  • Annual Increases for artist stipends and designer budgets
  • Investing in a safe rehearsal space through hiring Intimacy Directors, Fight Choreographers, and more.
  • Providing a specialized development process for each playwright
  • Investing in EDI policies and practices
  • Accessibility Efforts
  • Provide working artists with creatively challenging and supportive production opportunities
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You can also mail a check made payable to Fresh Ink Theatre to the following address:
Fresh Ink Theatre Company
P.O. Box 230874,
Boston MA 02123-0874
For more information about ways you can support Fresh Ink Theatre Company, contact Katy Poludniak at
[email protected]